Monthly Archives: January 2015

Cakras & Root exercises (reconnection & grounding)

I’m sure most of you have heard about cakras/chakras by now, if not there is plenty of great info online to get the basics. My favorite book giving you a deeper understanding of it as an eastern psychology method is Eastern Body, Western Mind, it’s one of the only books I bother keeping  a copy of.

I’ve noticed a trend of lower cakra congestion going on, especially since and around this super moon, and time of rebirth in our yearly calendar. The moon holds a lot of static electricity which can act like a magnet to our electrical system and even our bones, so you can expect that kind of stimulation is going to stir up some old stuff to want to make its way through the system and can cause a traffic jam. You can add a few breath practices and physical movements to help decongest the system, reconnect and clear out the cloak of density in between you and your increased sensitivity (like a vibrational cast while you were in “operation”).

I thought I’d address it with some exercises in a video, It’s a bit easier to demo than trying to translate in text. If you’re new to yoga as an energetic tool, it’s a great way to introduce it into your lifestyle.